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Hester Scotton


Hester is the 2018 European Middle Distance Duathlon Champion for her age group, in her first season as a duathlete.

Based in London, Hester originally took up running to help her lose weight as she wanted to be a role model for her son. Having spent 6 years as a runner, Hester decided to ‘have a go’ at an Ironman in 2017.  This meant learning to swim properly and buying a decent bike. Having completed Ironman Vichy (her one and only triathlon), Hester decided that swimming wasn’t for her and took up duathlon so her bike purchase wasn’t wasted.

She’s now hooked on duathlon and has qualified in her AG to represent GBR Duathlon over all distances but her focus will be on the longer distance races.

Hester’s key races for 2019 include the fight to retain her European Middle Distance Duathlon title and a first go at the World Long Distance Duathlon Championships in Zofingen.


Her main racing will wrap up with the Chicago Marathon - her first stand-alone marathon in 3 years

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