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Colin Irving


Colin is a  54 year triathlete, born and bred in Wales!


In his 20’s he took up running by mistake really, as it was when he had his car serviced and had no lift home. From that moment onwards he was hooked.

Colin has now completed 49 marathons including London x 7 times, Snowdownia x 5 times, New York and many more


In 1996 he took up Ultra running and was one of the first UK civilians to complete the “Marathon De Sable” still known to many as the toughest foot race on earth…


Triathlon came calling at the same time and he competed in the first ever London triathlon when the only hospitality for competitors and supporters was a burger van. That actually sounds pretty good!


2006 saw him complete his first Lanzarote Ironman and has been visiting and training there everty since. He also completed the 70.3 in Lanzarote in 2013, but this time for a completely different reason. This was in memory of his late father and father-in-law who died within 4 months of each other. He returned to the windy Isle in 2016 to complete it again.

He has recently walked away from over 30 years in corporate life to concentrate on being a competitive age grouper at Ironman Triathlon.


Colin is married to Joanne, and they have a son Huw who is 8 and is his biggest fan

Now under the watchful eye for this year’s Ironman  Lanzarote of Stephen Bayliss  of Bayliss Multisport.

Welcome to #TeamCES Colin

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